How To Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life
Sleep is perhaps the most important part of your day. Sleep scientists refer to proper sleep as the “Swiss Army knife” of longevity - meaning that it has the ability to drastically make or break your long-term health.
Among other things, the following systems are heavily dependent on sleep:
Immune system function
Mood (anxiety/ depression)
Hormonal regulation
Workout recovery
Memory & learning
Blood sugar control
Social life & loneliness
Use these tips to start optimizing this crucial process today.
● Reorganize your schedule around sleep
○ Research is clear: humans need 7-9 hours of sleep every night, minimum
○ Follow the 10,3,2,1 sleep protocol
■ 10 hours bed: stop drinking caffeine
■ 3 hours before bed: last meal
■ 2 hours before bed: stop working
■ 1 hour before bed: screens turned off
● Restructure your meal timing
○ Largest meal in the morning
○ Mid-size meal in the afternoon
○ Smallest meal in the evening
○ Avoid snacking between meals or late-night snacking
○ Absolutely no alcohol before bed
● Regulate your circadian rhythm with “sleep hygiene”
○ Get as much bright light exposure as possible during the first 2 hours of the day. Go for a walk (without sunglasses on), purchase a lightbox, or just sit outside!
○ Wear blue light blocking glasses past 5pm
○ Turn off all electronics at least 1 hour before bed
○ Switch to floor lamp lighting, or at least turn off/ dim overhead lighting 2 hours before bedtime
○ Remove or cover all light sources from the bedroom (nightlights, TV, clocks)
○ Consider purchasing blackout curtains
○ Keep your room cool (research suggests 60*F is optimal)
■ A drop in core body temperature is one of the signals that tells your body it’s time for sleep
■ Accomplish this by:
● Turning down the temperature/ opening windows 1-2 hours before bed
● Taking a hot bath or shower
● Purchasing a bed cooling pad such as the ChiliPad (no affiliation)
○ Wear a sleep mask & earplugs
○ Purchase a white noise machine or fan to drown out any noise pollution
○ Develop a nighttime ritual
■ Drink herbal tea (chamomile, hops, and/or passionflower are ideal)
■ Journaling, meditation or reading for an hour before bedtime
● Water: drink at least 80 oz (6-7 12oz bottles) daily
Still Having Trouble Sleeping?
It's time to dig deeper. Lack of sleep is a major risk factor for chronic illness.
Next steps include testing your adrenal glands and stress hormones, and working closely with a naturopathic doctor to reset your circadian rhythm.
NOTE: The information in this document is for general information purposes only and does not constitute medical advice or the practice of medicine. All readers should consult with a doctor prior to making any changes in their current health care program.