Are Poor Sleep and high Stress Impairing your Fat Loss Goals?
Written by Dr. Jordan Valdez, ND, RD
When people think about fat loss, they tend to associate it with nutrition and exercise only - without realizing that these are only two pieces of the puzzle! Sleep and stress are the other, under-acknowledged but essential, two pieces. After all, the four basic pillars of health are nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress. Did you know that good sleep/stress can promote fat loss while poor sleep/stress can prevent it? Let’s find out how…
Sleep - something that’s necessary for survival, yet something most of us don’t get enough of. Sleep affects all aspects of health! There are a number of reasons why people have poor sleep (one of which is related to high stress!), which means they have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Optimally, we should be getting between 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.
Stress - something that’s unnecessary for survival, yet something most of us get too much of. Stress is considered a silent killer! There are a number of reasons why people have chronic stress (one of which is related to a lack of sleep!), which means they are excessively stressed most days over a long period of time. Optimally, we should be spending most of our time in a parasympathetic (“rest and digest”) state rather than a sympathetic (“fight or flight) state.
Effects of a lack of quality sleep and high, chronic stress:
• Increases hormone fluctuations and cortisol, which can cause weight gain (especially in the belly!)
• Increases blood sugar/insulin, which keeps you in fat storage mode and increases your risk of diabetes and obesity
• Increases body tension and headaches, which makes you less likely to eat healthy and exercise
• Increases shallow breathing, which can decrease oxygen needed for fat burning
• Increases cholesterol, which can increase fat accumulation in the body (especially in blood vessels and organs!)
• Increases appetite (affects hunger hormones, leptin and ghrelin), which increases your food/calorie intake
• Decreases bowel movement regularity, which impairs the elimination of toxins out of the body
• Increases inflammation, which can cause brain fog and impair hormone function
• Decreases energy, mood, mental performance, and pain tolerance, which makes you less likely to eat healthy and exercise
Who knew poor sleep and stress could do all of that…no wonder you may not be losing fat, or at least not as much or as easily you’d like! Now that you know how important these two pieces of the puzzle are for health and fat loss, let’s learn the most useful tips for supporting good sleep and low stress…
Tips to improve sleep:
- Go to bed and wake up at consistent times daily
- Sleep in a dark, quiet, and cool room
- Avoid caffeine in the late afternoon
- Avoid eating in the late evening
- Avoid artificial lighting after sunset
- Have a relaxing window routine
Tips to improve stress:
- Practice deep, slow breathing throughout the day
- Engage in regular meditation or mindfulness activities
- Transform your home and work into tranquil spaces
- Spend more time in nature and doing what you love
- Be aware of your stress level and what’s causing it
- Schedule self-care for yourself each week
If you’re interested in further testing, individualized care, or starting your fat loss journey, reach out to the EmpowerMed team of naturopathic doctors today. We take a collaborative approach to natural medicine, partnering with patients to help them achieve their unique health and wellness goals.